Workshop fourteen
Jaipur, India ‘20

Chris’ introduction to local Jaipur artist Professor Vidhyasah Upadhyah during a research visit to Rajasthan in 2017, led to an invitation from the Neerja Modi School to host a WIGW workshop. All members were invited, nine attended - Sigridur Asgeirsdottir (Iceland), Cornelia Konig (Austria), Cedar Prest (Australia), Chinks Vere-Grylles (England), Sachiko Yamamoto (Japan), Meenu Srivastava (India), Catrin Jones (Wales), Amber Hiscott (Wales)and Chris Bird-Jones (Wales).

ItinerarySaturday 11th / Sunday 12th - All participants arrive in Jaipur and meet at school. 

Monday 13th - introduction and orientation of school, meet with art teachers, explore locally, visit paper making factory and prepare for the exhibition and workshop. 

Tuesday 14th - Kite Festival Day field trip / guided tour to visit the official site of the festival at Jal Mahal followed by visit to Prof Vidya Upadhaya’s studio and home. Meet with local artists and fly kites. 

Wednesday 15th - day at the school - Group painting led by Amber Hiscott followed by establishing working space at the school for artists/students; meeting with staff and students and installing exhibition of works brought with rolling slideshow presentation of Women’s International Glass Workshop on monitor. 

Thursday 16th - Amber Fort studying Shish Mahal. Time to draw and conduct individual research. Lunch in Amber, followed by visit to Panna Meena step well and Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing. 

Friday 17th & Saturday 18th - practical workshop days at the school. Sachiko Yamamoto, Chinks Vere Grylls and Cedar Prest working with students - glass taster workshop for all other students responding to the workshop. 

Sunday 19th - morning research visit to Galwar Bagh, Monkey Temple and afternoon visit to the Hawa Mahal, Palace of the Winds, Jantar Mantar Observatory and Central Palace. 

Monday 20th - practical workshop day at school - completing work with students. Tuesday 21st - completing exhibition. 

Wednesday 22nd - Opening of the exhibition and seminar day at the school with local artists, sharing practice with presentations by WIGW and local artists. 

Thursday 23rd - Research day and welcoming visitors to the exhibition. Friday 24th - exhibition walk through ‘show and tell’ - all works produced during workshop - students and artists / goodbyes to staff and students. 

Saturday 25th - Exhibition last day - selecting works to donate plus cataloguing and recording of work (CBJ compiled archive)

Sunday 26th - Depart

Research Days included in the schedule to allow for artists to develop individual research / attend meetings / visit specific locations

organised by Chris Bird-Jones, with Cornelia Konig