Workshop nine
Sydney, Australia 2006

The aim of these gatherings is to present a public exhibition in a prominent venue, in this case the Glass Artists Gallery in Glebe, Sydney. Everyone brings their work with them as suitcase pieces.If possible they reference experiences from the previous workshop, in this case Toronto.

The host plans a good experience of the city, arranges studio visits with practicing glass artists and for this workshop for members to meet and talk with current Glass art students at Sydney College of the Arts and later at the Canberra School of Art. In 2006 it was my turn to host in Australia. How do you offer a flavour of such a vast country?

I planned the actual workshop to begin on 17th September 2006 in Sydney, The Sydney itinerary however had people arriving by air on the 14th, 15th and 16th, and taking the direct train to Central. They were booked into the Central YHA just across the road on Eddy Avenue. Time together was spent catching up, sharing a meal and resting from traveling long distance.when gathered there was a booked morning tour of the iconic Opera House, a walk through the adjacent Botanical Gardens to the Art Gallery of NSW above in the Domain Park. and a ferry ride took us for outdoor lunch at the fabled Doyles fish restaurant on the waterfront at Rose Bay. It was the perfect sunny day, a warm experience. 

Saturday the 16th after breakfast work was delivered to Maureen Cahills GIG gallery and hung, ready for the well publicised opening event the following Tuesday. Coffee and snacks were available from next door and up the road. 

Sunday 17th there was a visit to the new Central Synagogue in North Bondi to view the free and expressive colour pourings on clear window glass of Janet Lawrence followed by an evening gathering of glass artists at director Maureen Cahill’s flat above the Gallery. All very relaxed and convivial.

Monday saw two studio visits to Sergio Regedelli’s in Newtown and Marc Grundseit’s in a new complex in Beaconsfield. Later we visited the Powerhouse and in the evening enjoyed a performance of the indigenous Bangarra Dance Company.

Tuesday 19th was a 10am presentation by all members to the glass students at Sydney College of the Arts. A tour of work studios, some mentoring and shared lunch. Most returned to the Gallery for final touches before the well attended opening of our show ‘Spirit Journeys’ from 6pm till 8. Lots of meet and greet followed by  relaxed meals across the road.

Wednesday 20th was moving day. Taking the train across the road at 6.45am to Canberra.and a new Youth Hostel in the centre at Civic. In the afternoon we visited the National Art Gallery.

Thursday we had lunch then at 2 pm with staff and students at Canberra School of Art, there was a forum with the Glass students and an evening BBQ to relax, mingle and get to know people.

Friday was an exchange day with the students, seeing their work and facilities. The Annual Ranamok Glass Prize was being exhibited in the gallery, offering the opportunity to see the cutting edge of work by current Australian practitioners. We shared another lunch and then all had a free afternoon to explore Canberra.

Next day we flew to Adelaide and picked up two minibuses to travel for our outback adventure in the Flinders Ranges. Our base was cottages in Rawnsley Park and we had 4 full days of exploring the landscape including taking small aircraft flights over the Ranges to get a different perspective..Members spent time drawing, painting, informally discussing and eating together in the evenings. Then the drive back to Adelaide, with some departing and others spending  a night at my home before the group dispersed.

Cedar Prest.